Confirmed Case Policy

Spirit United Kickoff Classic: Confirmed Case Policy


When there is a confirmed case of COVID-19

· The participant or staff member must self-isolate for minimum of 14 days

· If anyone in immediate family is diagnosed with virus, isolation period must start over until all members of household are symptom free for 14 days

· All persons who may have had contact with confirmed individual will be notified

· Specific area(s) where individual was present will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected

· Confirmed case will be reported to proper government agencies

· Per CDC guidelines, individual can return to team activities (trainings, games, meetings, etc.) when they have no fever, no symptoms, and receive two (2) negative tests in a row at least 24 hours apart


To ensure the health and safety of all associated with FC DELCO, APL Tournaments, its staff, participants, and spectators.


1. Recognizing Symptoms

Anyone suspected of being infected with COVID-19 will be requested to seek medical attention immediately if they are exhibiting the following warning signs:

· Fever (associated with one or more of below)

· Trouble breathing, cough, and/or sore throat

· Persistent pain or pressure in chest

· New confusion or inability to arouse

· Bluish lips or face


2. Confirmation of Exposure

If notified of an individual’s confirmed case of the COVID-19 virus, we will immediately begin following the appropriate steps to mitigate further spread:


a. Confirmed case of participant or staff of Spirit Kickoff Classic

i. Require isolation of individual for 14 days

1. 14-day isolation period resets with new case in household

2. Per CDC, individual can return when they have no fever, no symptoms, and have two (2) negative tests at least 24 hours apart

ii. Conduct a confidential interview, identifying all persons that came into close contact with diagnosed individual

iii. Report gathered information to notify local healthy agency

iv. Inform staff and families of their potential exposure to a diagnosed individual, while making sure to protect their privacy

1. Provide each contact with guidelines for isolation, symptoms, seeking help, and preventing spread of virus.

v. All areas where infected individual was present will be thoroughly cleaned & disinfected immediately

vi. Identify and investigate increased and unusual absences and connect those with symptoms with proper health care sites to be tested & provided immediate care


b. Confirmed case of a parent or caregiver diagnosed with COVID-19

i. Require isolation of individual and his/her family for 14 days

1. 14-day isolation period resets with new case in household

2. Per CDC, individual can return when they have no fever, no symptoms, and have two (2) negative tests at least 24 hours apart

ii. Conduct a confidential interview identifying all individuals that came in close contact with diagnosed person

iii. Report gathered information to notify local health agency

iv. Identify and investigate increased and unusual absences and connect those with symptoms to proper health care sites to be tested & provided with immediate care

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